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10 Things Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Steve Jobs

Written By Kautsar R.Aritona on 1/22/2014 | 2:26 PM

The man, who has an estimated net worth of $8.3 million certainly has a wealth of experience and key attributes beneficial for successful enterprise. We'll run a few by you.

1. Know your capabilities, delegating tasks accordingly.

In Apple's early days of expansion, Jobs sought an experienced executive to serve as Apple's CEO. Having been described at the time as an erratic and temperamental manager, he wooed John Sculley from Pepsi-Cola, asking: "Do you want to sell sugar for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world?"

2. Do not be too proud to collaborate with 'competitors' if it is in your best interest.

Upon his return to Apple, Jobs made the decision to partner with their rivals, Microsoft. Under the deal, Microsoft agreed to produce software for the Macintosh, significantly aiding the launch of Apple's new products.

3. Be a perfectionist.

After initially returning to Apple as interim chief executive, Jobs led the company through one of the most dramatic transformations in business history, increasing their stock almost a hundredfold. Known for his aggressive and demanding personality, Apple employees were said to be afraid of encounters with Jobs.

4. Maintain occasional personal interaction with your customers.

As the news of Job' resignation transcends around the world and social media platforms, the majority of mentions are positive. In particular Apple customers are appreciative of the 'urban legend' of Jobs' personally replying to emails. No doubt, as workload increases, not everyone will be able to do this, but the occasional interaction is well-received.

5. Do not get comfortable.

Jobs' career has been a rollercoaster, and he has never been afraid to move on or try his hand at a new venture. After being dismissed from Apple in 1985 he went on to start another company - NeXT. He then went on to buy the company which would later be known as Pixar, before becoming the largest single Disney shareholder when it bought Pixar. He returned to Apple in 1996.

6. Stay grounded.

The cult image of Jobs in his trademark jeans, black shirt and trainers, created a down-to-earth perception of the inventor. His engaging and dynamic manner of exciting crowds during keynote speeches even led to them being renamed 'Stevenotes.'

7. Keep people guessing.
An archetypal part of Jobs' Stevenotes was his trademark phrase at the end of presentations.

After his concluding remarks, Jobs would turn to leave the stage and say: "But there's one more thing..." after which he would unveil a new Apple product. Products unveiled at this stage include the MacBook Pro, iPod Touch and Facetime video calling for the iPhone 4.

8. Work relentlessly, maintaining a hands-on approach with your company or products.

Jobs has been named as the inventor or co-inventor of over 230 patents and patent applications. The array of products he has worked on include: computer and portable user interfaces, speakers, keyboards and power adaptors.

9. Aspire to position your company at the helm of your industry, anticipating emerging trends.

Apple has been known for their innovative and groundbreaking products, especially under Jobs leadership. This is due to the visionary approach the company takes towards design and usability. Jobs has summed up this sentiment stating: "There's an old Wayne Gretzky quote that I love. 'I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.' And we've always tried to do that at Apple. Since the very very beginning. And we always will." Apply these sentiments to your field and you'll be onto a winner.

10. Know when to step down in the interest of your company.

Jobs letter of resignation to Apple Inc. states "I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple's CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come."

Despite his shock resignation, Jobs will still remain involved with the company as Chairman at Apple and will continue his role in Disney's endeavours in the future. Hopefully the business world can learn more from him yet.

By Josh Tyler - marketing exec Easily.co.uk
Reprint : Acarre Community Media

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