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Sustainable Operations Management (SOM) : design, modelling and analysis

Written By Kautsar R.Aritona on 10/30/2014 | 4:24 AM

Nevertheless, there are not many articles that deal with modelling and analysis of SOM decision making at strategic, tactical and operational levels that are important for implementation of SOM decisions. The aim of this special issue is to help researchers and decision makers to understand the strategies, tactics and implementation processes involved in SOM decisions and the performance measures and metrics through modelling and analysis of SOM. With the help of these articles appearing in this special issue, one should be able to gain a better understanding of the issues involved in SOM and how to model and evaluate SOM decision-making environments and decisions through appropriate modelling and analysis of both manufacturing and service supply chains. The scope of the special issue is to present researchers and senior managers with conceptual modelling and analysis of various sustainable operations decisions and their performance outcomes in supply chains. This includes optimisation related to closed-loop chains, carbon footprinting of supply chains, life-cycle management, greening supply chains, green and reverse logistics, product and process development towards improving energy savings, efficiency of transport and other related areas. Emphasis is placed on sustainable operations design, modelling and analysis, optimisation, and their performance measurement in a supply chain. The special issue contains articles that cover the following topics:
  1. Implications of SOM in the 21st century organisational competitiveness;
  2. Modelling of performance measures and metrics in SOM;
  3. Modelling and assessment of life-cycle perspectives of SOM;
  4. Modelling of cost/benefit and risk considerations/realizsations in SOM;
  5. Macro-economic or industry-wide modelling and assessment of sustainable policies and actions;
  6. Justification for SOM through conceptual modelling and analysis through the use of OR techniques;
  7. Selecting SOM alternatives through appropriate Operations Research modelling and analysis;
  8. Models for studying the impact of sustainable operations initiatives and policies;
  9. Optimal supply chain configuration from a strategic, tactical or operational perspective;
  10. Performance measures and models for SOM decisions;
  11. Partnership development for SOM through modelling and optimisation.

The 11 papers appearing in this special issue deal with the above issues of modelling and analysis of SOM. A brief summary of each article is presented below.

SOM can be defined as the operations strategies, tactics and techniques, and operational policies to support both the economic and the environmental objectives and goals. The subject of sustainability has gained much attention from both researchers and practitioners over the past 6–8 years. Most of the articles deal with sustainability from an environmental perspective, but not many of them integrate both economic and environmental implications. Moreover, there is a limited focus on modelling and analysis of SOM integrating the interests of both economic and environmental interests. To address this, Gunasekaran, Irani, Papadopoulos in their paper entitled Modelling and Analysis of Sustainable Operations Management: Certain Investigations for Research and Applications review the papers on modelling and analysis of SOM. Therefore, an attempt has been made in this paper to review the extant literature on SOM. The objective is to understand the definition of SOM and present the current status of research in modelling and analysis, as well as future research directions in the field. Considering the recent focus on the subject, they review the literature beginning in 2000 in order to make the study current and more relevant for both researchers and practitioners.

Further more information about this articles, please you check on Journal of the Operational Research Society.

By Angappa Gunasekaran & Zahir Irani
Repost by Acarre Community Media
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